Upcoming Events
The Serviceberry: Let's Read, Reflect & Amplify the Gift
Wednesday | February 26, 2025
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
In collaboration with Fruition Seeds, let’s lean into the wisdom of Robin Wall Kimmerer’s new book The Serviceberry. Together we’ll read passages as well as reflect on our lives in the wider world, preparing to let our gardens and plant kin grow us more than we grow them
Hodinöhsö:ni’ Art Show Application Deadline
Saturday | March 1, 2025
5 PM
Ganondagan is pleased to announce its seventh juried Hodinöhsö:ni’ Art Show to be exhibited at the Seneca Art & Culture Center on Wednesday- Saturday, April 9th -12th, 2025.
We are calling for Haudenosaunee artists in the six divisions of: Beadwork, Basketry, Traditional Arts, Fine Art 2D, Fine Art 3D, and Photography to enter up to three pieces of new work for consideration in the show. Complete applications must be received by 5 PM on Saturday, March 1st, 2025; incomplete applications will not be considered.
Seneca Art & Culture Center at Ganondagan
Bark Longhouse Opens for Spring 2025
Thursday | May 1, 2025
10 AM - 4 PM
Our Seneca Bark Longhouse provides opportunities to educate visitors about Haudenosaunee life and culture, both in the 17th century and the present. It is open seasonaly May-October. October 31st is the last day to visit the Bark Longhouse for the 2024 season, it will re-open on May 1st, 2025.
Included with admission
Ganondagan State Historic Site
Wellness Programs
Our partners offer wellness classes located on the beautiful grounds of Ganondagan.
Spring Taiji & Qigong at Ganondagan with Dr. Kathy Gill

Tuesdays | 11 AM - 11:45 AM
Series Dates: March 18 - June 24. No class on May 6
Participants should wear comfortable clothing and shoes
The ancient practices of Tai Chi and Qi gong combine slow, deliberate movements, meditation, and breathing exercises bringing relaxation, peace and balance to mind, body and spirit and can also send that same energy out in all directions to all beings. Join us for a series of classes that introduces people to the first several movements of a Yang-style form. Taiji quan and qigong practice is suitable for experienced players and people new to the concepts.
Instructor: Master Kathleen M. Gill, Ph.D. is a retired clinical psychologist with forty years of experience in stress management and health promotion. She was granted the title in 2014 by her Grandmaster William C. C. Chen. She tells her clients and students that the best method of relaxation is the one you practice every day - and taiji quan (Tai Chi) and qigong is that method for her.
Questions - Please contact Kathy kmgillphd@aol.com
In cold or rain, Taiji will take place indoors - Meet inside front door of Seneca Art & Culture Center, class will take place in the auditorium
During warmer weather, Taiji will take place outdoors behind the Seneca Art & Culture Center, up the hill, by the apple tree
Free - Sliding scale, suggested donation of $5 - $15 in support of Friends of Ganondagan
Yoga at Ganondagan

Monday, Wednesday, & Fridays | 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
There will be no classes on: July 1, 3, 5 & 8th, or August 7 & 9th
Classes are located at the Grasslands Yoga Circle off Rt 444 (park in the lot across from the Silverton Glenn development-take a right down the path and then at the fork follow the left path up the hill to the circle). During inclement weather classes will take place indoors at the Seneca Art & Culture Center auditorium. No pre-registration needed. Bring your own mat, props, water bottle.
For questions regarding Alison's classes, call or text (585)-295-3994
Grasslands Yoga Circle off Rt 444
Inclement Weather Location:
Seneca Art & Culture Center
Free/Donation based to help support Friends of Ganondagan with a sliding scale of $5-$20